Rabu, 14 Juni 2017

Intructional Media

Implementation of the Media Audio Visual in Learning English

Arranged by:

Lioni Marianti (140203024)

PBI/UNIT 01/2014











Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Islamic State University of UIN Ar-Raniry

Banda Aceh 2017



First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because od the help of Allah, writer finished writing the paper entitled “Implementation of the Media Audio Visual in Learning English” right in the calculated time.

The purpose i writing this paper is to fulfill the assigment that given by Mrs. Qudwatin Nisak as lecture in Intructional Media major.

In arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and obstructions but with help of many individuals, those obstructions could passed. Writer also realized there are still many mistakes in process of writing this paper.

Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who help in  the purpose of writing this paper. Hopefully Allah replies all helps and bless you all. The writer realized that this paper still imperfect in arrangment and the content. Then the writer hope the criticism from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper. Last but not the least hopefully, this paper can help the readers to gain more knowledge about intructional media major.


                                                                        Banda Aceh, june 12, 2017







  1. Introduction

Learning process occurs because of the interaction between a people with the environment. Therefore, learning can happen anytime and anywhere. One of the marks a person has learned is that there is a change in the person's behaviour that may be caused by a change in his or her level of knowledge, skill and attitude wherever and whenever. In this case, educators are required to be able to apply the tools that exist, and also the possibility of some of these tools in accordance with the changing times. Educational technology as a way of teaching using technological tools can be utilized maximally in an education during learning. Such as television, radio, film, overhead projector, video, computer and tape recorder. This tool in the usual teaching methodology is called props and / or audio visual teaching tools.

In learning, teachers are required to make the learning process conducive. One is the use of appropriate learning methods. In the selection of learning methods, of course an educator needs a learning medium that can help a teacher in delivering messages to students, so that messages can be more clearly and easily understood by learners.

Audio visual learning is one of the learning media that enables two senses of students, namely the sense of sight and the senses of the listener. So the percentage of student learning outcomes can be increased to 50% better than the learning done by teachers with conventional methods (lectures) or even learning done by students by reading their own references (self-taught).

The audio-visual media used by English teachers in learning is a kind of short films. It is assumed that the students 'audio-visual media become more interested, especially if the students are presented with some short-duration films, have a good story contain, and contain an easy-to-understand language that will be able to attract students' interest in understanding the subject matter. But in this case the teacher must really be able to choose a movie that is in accordance with the intended learning objectives.

The use of audio visual media can serve as a learning media that can help teachers in delivering messages or lessons so that students can understand the lesson delivered then an educator must choose and use audio visual media in teaching and learning process in order to achieve the goals achieved. The instructional media chosen based on the predefined instructional goals generally refers to one combination of one of the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. For that with the media audio visual learning can also play a role in improving student motivation and achievement by taking into account the learning objectives to be achieved.

  1. Discussion

Audio-visual media is prepared early in order for learning to run more effectively and efficiently. Preparation of audio visual media planning can include the preparation of the LCD, and a power point that contains learning materials that will be delivered in the classroom. The effectiveness of learning with this audio-visual media as stated by Amir Hamzah (2000: 11), that media or audio-visual tools are "audible" means that it can be heard and visible means can be seen. Audio-visual tools are helpful for making the way of communication to be effective. Audio-visual media is an affordable form of teaching media, learning becomes more effective and efficient.

English Language Teachers carry out classroom learning with audio visual media referring to existing syllabus and RPP that have been compiled. Power point media usage also adjusts the subject matter. Teachers see the condition of students in the classroom, whether students are interested or mediocre. English Language Teachers deliver the material also never widen beyond the SK / KD that has been determined, so focus on the main material.

English Language Teachers planning for English Learning with Audio Visual Media is intended to make learning English well and smoothly. Good for teachers in delivering materials and students easier in understanding the subject matter. Planning of learning audio visual media include syllabus, RPP, media used, laptop, and power point.

  1.  Reasons to choose Audio-based media in the learning process.

Teaching can be viewed as an effort by the teacher for students to learn. While the meaning of learning itself is the process of behavioural through experience. The experience can be a direct experience and indirect experience. Effective learning requires good planning. Therefore the media used in the learning process also requires good planning.


In the selection of learning methods would require a learning media that can help a teacher in delivering messages can be more clearly and understood by students. In addition, learning media can generate motivation and interest in learning new in students. One of the media that can be used in learning is audio visual. This media has more ability, because this media relies on two senses at once, namely the sense of hearing and the senses of vision. With the media is expected to generate motivation in learning and clarify the material delivered.

There are many advantages of video when used as a medium of learning among them according to Nugent (2005) in Smaldino et al. (2008: 310); video is a suitable medium for various learning sciences, such as classes, small groups, even one student alone. That, cannot be separated from the current state of the students who grew in the embrace of television culture, where at least every 30 minutes to show different programs. Therefore, a video with duration of only a few minutes can provide more flexibility for teachers and can direct learning directly to the needs of students.


In addition, according to Smaldino himself, learning with multi-voice video can be aimed at various types of learners. Text can be displayed in different languages ​​to explain the video content. Some DVDs even offer the ability to show an object from different points of view. Disc also provides search index facility through title, topic, trace or code-time for faster search.

Videos can also be used for almost any topic, type of learners, and any sphere: cognitive, affective, psychomotor, and interpersonal. In the cognitive domain, learners can observe the dramatic recreation of historical events of the past and the actual recording of current events, because the elements of colour, sound and motion here are able to make the characters feel more alive. In addition, watching videos, after or before reading, can strengthen students' understanding of teaching materials.

Moreover, the benefits and other characteristics of video or film media in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process, among them are (Munadi, 2008: 127, Smaldino, 2008: 311-312):

  1. Overcoming distance and time
  2. Being able to describe past events realistically in a short time
  3. Can bring students adventure from one country to another, and from one to another.
  4.  Can be repeated when necessary to add clarity
  5. The message he delivered was quick and memorable.
  6. Develop the thoughts and opinions of the students
  7. Developing the imagination
  8. Clarify the abstract and provide a more realistic explanation
  9. Able to play the main media for documenting social reality that will be dissected in the classroom
  10. Able to act as a storyteller that can provoke the creativity of learners in expressing their ideas.


  1.  Implementation of learning English with audio visual media.

In the implementation phase of this English learning, it is started by English teachers systematically after the compilation of learning planning. English teachers start learning by referring to the SK / KD that has been determined and preparing teaching materials and learning software so that it can be used in learning audio visual media including for power point. After preparing some learning tools, English teachers provide early guidance so that students know the core learning objectives that will be implemented in the classroom, by explaining the main material topics so that students have an overview of how the learning with audio visual media is intended. English Language Teachers also explain the main points that become the purpose of implementation of learning by using audio visual media are complete to students. Early explanation of the learning mechanism by English teachers is expected to gradually be able to explain and change the perception, understanding and change of students' knowledge with the use of audio visual media.


Furthermore, the English teacher also arranges the Implementation of English Learning with Audio-Visual Media in the classroom so that the teacher can deliver the complete material within the available time. In this case the English teacher refers to the lesson plans that have been prepared at the time of the lesson planning in the timing of delivery of material. Implementation of English Language Learning with Audio Visual Media has certain advantages compared with learning using conventional or other methods. These advantages make the teacher should be more eager to deliver the subject matter. Students also become more active and eager to learn.

  1.  Benefits of Using Audio-Visual Media (Film or Video)

Some of the benefits of using Audio-based visual media (movies or video) are due to the advantages or advantages of the media, including:

  • Movies and videos can complement the basic experiences of students as they read, discuss, practice, and more. Film is a substitute for nature and can even show objects that are not normally seen, such as the way the heart works when it pulsates;
  • Film and video can describe a process that can be seen repeatedly if deemed necessary.
  • Besides encouraging and enhancing motivation, movies and videos inculcate attitudes and other affective aspects.
  • Movies and videos that contain positive values ​​can invite thinking and discussion in groups of students.
  • Movies and videos can present dangerous events when viewed directly;
  • Movies and videos can be shown to large or small groups, heterogeneous groups, and individuals.


  1.   Constraints encountered using audio visual media.
  2. Requires time and careful planning
  3. The task of the teacher becomes heavy, because in addition to have to plan the lesson material that will be presented also have to master the various tools of demonstration media / media teaching tools various means of demonstration and other communication tools.
  4. Procurement of means of demonstration equipment requires adequate cost and maintenance
  5. The tendency to assume that teaching through various teaching tools / media is wasteful, even time consuming.


  1. Conclusion

In learning activities, media can be defined as something that can bring information and knowledge in the interaction that takes place between educators and learners. Various media can be divided into 3, by their nature, their range of capabilities, and by means or techniques of use. The function of the use of learning media in the learning process can generate new desires and interests, generate motivation and stimulation of learning activities, and even bring psychological influences on students. The use of instructional media will greatly help the effectiveness of the learning process and the delivery of messages and content of the lesson at that time.

Audio visual media consists of silent audio visual, the media that displays sound and still images such as sound frame film (sound slide), sound movie film. Audio visual motion, the media that can display the elements of sound and moving images. . This media has more ability, because this media relies on two senses at once, namely the sense of hearing and the senses of vision. With the media is expected to generate motivation in learning and clarify the material delivered.


















Amir Hamzah. 1999. Media Audio-Visual. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia

Arsyad, Azhar. 2002. Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.

Fathurrohman dan Sutikno. 2010. Strategi Belajar Mengajar. Bandung: Refika Aditama.


Vilma Tafani. 2009. Teaching English Through Mass Media. Acta Didactica Napocencia Journal, Volume 2 Number 1, 2009. Received 22 February 2009.

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